Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Photography Taboo

So, the amateur photographer in me says no! But the colors say yes!

I see flower shots as something that’s hard to mess up, but at the same time difficult to pull off. Every picture of a flower I just see as a cheesy, over used, easy, gift card, kind of a shot. It takes some degree of professionalism to take a photo of a flower and express some kind of idea of feeling, and I think it’s obvious when someone takes a photo for artistic purpose, or artistic intentions; which are very different things. Kind of like when some guy throws a rock in the ocean for whatever intentions, and Andy Goldsworthy throws a rock for artistic purpose or discovery. But maybe that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense…

Any way… confession: I took a bunch of cheesy flower shots because I mean, if they’re there, and you have your camera, you really can’t help it. Especially when a model like this one makes it even easier.
Golden Gate Park Rose Garden

1 comment:

Sydney said...

Whats the models name? Mr. Squirrely McSquirrelkins?