Thursday, July 17, 2008

3 point

I think this was my 3 point perspective project for “perspective for animation” class. What I tired to do was create some post-world-war type of make shift colony of survivors. Very vague setting…perhaps…remove the head? Eh? Jake?

Anyway, I was happy with it. After I took this picture I brought up the values just another notch, to add more contrast. I was happy with it. I feel like it’s still lacking some detail. I could of taken it a lot further and pushed it a little more, but I think that’s a pretty good summary of this past semester. No messing around this coming fall.


Sydney said...

Ok, this is going to be really retarded of me..

But you just changed your blogger profile pic, and i never noticed it before... but...

The "A" and the "S" are totally next to each other on the keyboard...


Jacob Marvin Rossi said...

You know, when we talked about these crazy, ramshackle retail fortresses over the phone, this is pretty close to what I had imagined too... People adding to the foundations of original buildings, extending walls and making them taller with pieces of sheet metal and objects from the store fronts.

Adam Ceja said...

And doing this project made me realize just how many little details we'll have to think about. Like if they have any running water? Or most likely just some kind of exit for water/waste. What they do for warmth, how they might cook or store food/ supplies, security, blah blah. And also drawing pipes and support beams and that kind of stuff was really fun to. it's like you have this massive structure that's always being added on to, how the hell do you hold it above ground? any way, you get the point.

Adam Ceja said...
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Anonymous said...

I like that you have to imagine up a whole little ecosystem to bring it to life. I really dig the style and You're right, pushing the details would make this feel even more fleshed out. niceness!