Thursday, February 5, 2009

clothed figure two: week two

here's round two of this class. i feel like i did pretty good this week. what im most happy about is that i know that i've seen a progression with my work.
in clothed figure 1, i felt like i was stuck in my habits and wasn't learning much, especially towards the end of the semester. but for some reason when i walked into clothed figure 2, i was like, " whoa, who is this?" and suddenly i had jumped that hurtle. but i think it's just an artist phase thing. sometimes you progress every day you practice, and others you just have to keep working through all the crap that you produce.

but anyway, no more crap for now, and i'll try to keep it that way
this last one i'm particularly proud of, even though that hat looks really funny and the light patterns are not what they should be. but after this drawing the instructor took a second to say that he really enjoys my style, and that i'm doing very well. 
and he spit in my face the whole time... cause he's from new york.


Sydney said...

I mean this with as little insult to you as possible...

I think this lady is my least favorite model.

I think I generally liked it more when you came home with nudie pics.

I especially loved the old people wrinkley ones. Those were nice...

These people? they're so... Oh, I dunno.... clothed...

Adam Ceja said...

TELL me about it

Unknown said...

I always enjoy your seated figures especially. I don't know what it is about them that always seems to come out so nicely... maybe it's the sense of weight that really comes through. The way you differentiate between values in the clothing makes for a nice sense of contrast/variety.

Oh and I hope your instructor stops spitting in your face... or that he allows you to wear little umbrella hats to class.